Tuesday, August 24

"Jesus I beleive in You and I would go, to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the earth for you, alone are the Son of God, and all the world will see, you are God, you are God."

I sang that tonight, I also reliesed that I din't have enough gut, enough faith to do that. I'll just sing "And I would go to the ends of the earth", and then go home, go to sleep and get back in old ways. I hate it, I really loathe it, but I can never hold on to this awesome Godlyness from the night before, let alone at school.
School is a nightmare for me at the moment, I have no place, I just wander around with anyone, changing to fit into their mood and their character. I say things I don't like saying, things that make me feel unclean but with the satisfaction that someone heard it and noticed me. I just want to be seen.
Do you see me?


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