Sunday, October 26

Okay there are just a few things that annoy me and stealing the idea off B I'm making a hit list. Muhahaha! Yes well she did steal my poem and no I'm not talented.
1. Teachers who give you work to do that they don't even understand (SOSE!) and when you ask them what it means they say "I already went though that" even if they haven't
2. That make-up brand "Be Yourself" No offence but how exaclty is layering make up on your face being who you really are?
3. People who disrespect others. Like okay, if you feel the need to make fun of someone in that joking way turn it back on you and see how you feel.
4. People who continually say "I'm fat" or "I'm ugly". Sorry to state the odvious but you're not ugly or fat you're beautiful and should be proud of it.
5. Okay, people who dis my freckles. Its not sun cancer and there aren't any mapped constlations on my arm!


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